1200 Getty Center Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90049
T: 310-440-7300
Parking is $10.00, free admission.這個週末突然想到外面去走一走, 突然想到之前去過Getty Center, 就再次來看看. Haven't visited The Getty Center for awhile, it was fun last time, so I decided to come here over the weekend again.
Tram to Getty Center--Free
停好車後要排隊坐這小小電車上山, 約每15-20分一班, 一下子就到了, 也可以步行上下山, 但是好像要約30分鐘, 下次決定來走看看.
到時剛好是中午吃飯時間, 到他們的CAFE Deli一看, 哇, 很多選擇耶, 有分很多Stations, 有賣三明治和湯的, 墨西哥菜的, Pizza & Pasta, 漢堡薯條, 沙拉, 種類很多, 價錢略高, 但東西看起來都還不錯吃.
Every station has menu in front of it, very detail and you will know what you are going to get and how much to pay!
Grilled Chicken Breast with Roasted Red Pepper & 3 Bean Bacon Soup ($7.50)
山上冷冷的, 想喝湯, 就點了這個COMBO.
chicken sandwich is good, meat is tender, roasted red pepper's flavor is good with the whole thing and I noticed there are also some kind of garlic aioli and salasdini.
Soup is hot and good, not too salty at all. I added some Tapatio hot sauce, it's good for cold day.
吃飽喝足就開始走走逛逛囉, 分了4, 5個館, 常常都會有不同主題展覽, 詳情請上網站查詢, 也有很多family/親子活動, 有空可以全家來走走喔.
Getty Center 外觀
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