225 E. Ceres ST
Rialto, CA 92376
T: 909-877-8637 C: 909-289-7570
Arturo Pulido
** It's $5 per LB, you can mix anything, only open for the weekend **
5,6年級生應該對以前電視電影古裝武俠劇有那種, 肚子餓了, 就說要出門打酒,打滷/野味的劇情有印像, 然後劇中人物就會帶回一壺酒, 一大包用牛皮紙包起來的野味/滷味豪爽地吃起來.
那天朋友說有好吃好玩的, 說老墨(Mexicans)也吃滷味, 忘了帶相機就出門了, 以下是用IPHONE拍的, 照片不好看, 東西好好吃
Went to friend's friend house in Fontana first

arriving Carnitas Pulido

outside it's a regular house, they use back garage for the carnitas. Carnitas actually means deep fried pork, 但是他們也有豬耳朵, 豬皮, 豬肚, 豬肝, etc...
說是deep fried, 但我覺得好像是滷的, 因為不油而且有一點像滷(醬)汁??


Texas Chinsaw Massacre屠宰場 :)-

very small place



It was near lunch time after we got the carnitas and back to friend's house, so we just had lunch there and it was so good!
Ceveche ---friend's mom made it!!

Ceveche 是墨西哥菜, I should put it as Spanish cuisine, because a lot latin countries use it to create a lot nice dishes. 它是把新鮮的海鮮如魚,蝦,蛤蜊生的切碎, 用檸檬汁下去冰起來"煮"的一道菜, usually mixed with chopped onions, tomatos, cilantro. very good in summer time and with beers.
Ceveche Tostada

真的是像滷味, 對不對! 我們買了豬肉, 豬肚, 豬排骨, 最下面還有一塊豬皮

we ate it with Tortillas, just like tacos (可以看到一小塊豬皮)

after lunch, my frined's mom gave us these cookies, it's from Mexico.


From friend's yard, you can see there's still snow on the top of mountain, we said we'll go there next time and sure will bring some of these yummy carnitas!

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