2009年3月21日 星期六

Four Season Cafe 春夏秋冬港式西餐

Four Season Cafe 春夏秋冬港式西餐
116South ST. Suite 104
Artesia, CA 90701
T: 562-865-6789


when it just opened, my friend was working in this place about 2 years ago, we tried it and food was not bad. After she left, we just hardly go back again but it just came cross my mind why don't I go there again? So here we are

It's in a plaza and there are some reataurants around and all looking good, maybe will give them a try next time.

It wasn't that busy but the waiting was long, waiting for order, waiting for the food, waiting for the adding water and waiting for the check, but once you dropped the $$ on table, they came right after the money hit the table >_<. 用餐中的服務能那麼快就好了.
點了兩份Four Season specials, 香煎鴛鴦扒&香煎龍利拼炸童子雞, 他們同時還有一張daily special, 看到了椒鹽鵪鶉 而且只要$2.95, 就點來吃吃看. 港式西餐都會放一張order在桌上.

羅宋湯 Russian Borsch

隨餐都有附湯, 這是朋友點的, 他說蠻好喝的, 料也不少, 然後看了menu, 才知道原來羅宋湯是香港人從Russian這個字來的.


這是我點的, 就是玉米濃湯加雞肉, 很燙很好喝, 料也多, 黑胡椒是自己加的, 我發現港式西餐的菜名都蠻有趣的.

椒鹽鵪鶉 Salt & Pepper Quail ($2.95)

小小一隻, 炸的酥酥脆脆的, 擠上檸檬 沾一點椒鹽 很好吃, 肉不多就是了.

意粉 Pasta

隨餐還可以選pasta or rice, we all picked pasta, 就很普通.

香煎龍利拼炸童子雞 Grilled Sole Fillet&Deep Fried Cornish Hen ($8.95)

龍利魚裹上蛋汁後去煎, 很嫩很好吃耶,下面還有mushroom and cream sauce. 不知為什麼, 照片中的炸童子雞看起來黑黑焦焦的, 但是其實沒有內, 雞肉很嫩皮也脆脆的, 下面也有醬汁. 配菜普通, but that garlic mashed potato was so good. 份量很多, 把雞肉帶回家帶便當.

香煎鴛鴦扒 Grilled Chicken & Porkchop Steak ($8.95)

朋友點的, 一上桌後我們都嚇一跳, 會不會太多阿?兩塊大雞腿排&一塊大豬排, 朋友一邊吃一邊說怎麼那麼好吃. 後來我又嚇一跳, 因為他竟然吃光光, 真是"毫獅雷"阿 :)-
我知道Monterey Park那邊的港式西餐比較便宜, 有的還再送飲料, 但我住靠Gardena, Cerritos 已經算是不近的選擇了. 這家店不錯吃, 但要有和他們磨時間的心理準備.



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如果您都沒有任何登入帳號的話, 直接在"Comment as" 中選"Anonymous"就可留言了, 別忘了留個暱稱或稱呼喔 謝謝!